Satubangsa School is a private school that established in Indonesia by Yayasan Satubangsa Edu. The first school is located in Vida District Area, Bekasi Province on 2019. Satubangsa school promotes unity in diversity to run every school program and activities. Satubangsa School comes to prepare the student to become people that educated that has excellent survival ability skill as well as have good and noble character similar to our vision that is "Excellent in Academic and Non-Academic, Belief, Cultured, Noble in Behavior and Love for the Environment". Not only do we focus on academic excellence but we extend learning beyond the classroom as our school delivers a holistic, rounded education where students at Satubangsa School are encouraged to broaden their horizons by exploring their passions in Arts and Sports. Satubangsa school will be one of the most favorite in demand school in Indonesia.

As a school that able to compete other prestigious private school, Satubangsa School produce outstanding students who have noble character and devote to God. We implement the best curriculum and extracullicular available by stimulates the children with the best practices in education and adapts them with the current situation to fulfill the needs of students in preparing their future. We equip our students’ minds and nurture their pure hearts by give them religious lessons according to their beliefs. We support the children by investing complete facilities and infrastructures that able to further support improve the students' potential, talents, and creativity that can compete in the world especially in Indonesia in the future.

  • Yayasan Satubangsa Edujaya
  • Bukit Hijau Karawaci Blok A No. 34 - 37
    Jl. Kitri Bakti,
    Kel. Sukabakti, Kec. Curug,
    Kab. Tangerang 15810, Banten, Indonesia