Rumah Sakit Vania

Strategically situated at Jalan Siliwangi No 11, East Bogor District, Vania Hospital holds a central position in the city, with close proximity to iconic landmarks like the Batutulis Palace and the Presidential Palace within the Bogor Botanical Gardens.

Our hospital, inaugurated by Mayor Mr. DR. H. Bima Arya Sugiarto on November 1, 2014, The inauguration of the hospital was also attended by the Deputy Mayor of Bogor, Mr. Ir. Usmar Hariman, representatives from the Bogor City & District Health Ministry, IDI, PDGI, IBI, PPNI, Religious Leaders, as well as Healthcare Communities in Bogor such as Persadia and Jantung Sehat. The hospital is bolstered by a distinguished team of medical professionals, including proficient doctors, expert nurses, nutritionists, analysts, and radiographers. Our state-of-the-art medical facilities, coupled with a 24/7 Emergency Department (IGD), ensure swift and precise responses to patient emergencies.

Within our outpatient clinic, we offer specialized care across various medical fields, including pediatrics, gynecology, internal medicine, neurology, general surgery, neurosurgery, orthopedics, ophthalmology, pulmonology, urology, ENT, radiology, anesthesia, clinical pathology, psychology, and beauty clinics. Our treatment rooms encompass general and intensive care units, such as ICU/HCU and NICU/PICU.

Additionally, we provide comprehensive Medical Check-Up services, featuring a dedicated executive room equipped with advanced facilities, including a treadmill, echocardiography, audiometry, and spirometry.

At Vania Hospital, our guiding motto is "Excellent quality service." This commitment embodies our unwavering dedication to delivering healthcare that is not only swift and precise but also friendly, comfortable, and consistently focused on patient well-being. Our vision is to establish Vania Hospital as the trusted healthcare solution provider in Bogor within the context of the globalized era.
  • PT Karunia Asih Cemerlang
  • Jl. Siliwangi No. 11,
    Kel. Sukasari, Kec. Bogor Timur, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat