PT Sarana Inti Transindo Perkasa was established on January 17, 2001 at Jl. Ketabang Kali No. 29 Genteng, Surabaya. PT Sarana Inti Transindo Perkasa established as a transportation company that specializes in transporting Tiga Roda cement for both zak cement and bulk cement. Apart from being a cement transporter for Tiga Roda, PT Sarana Inti Transindo Perkasa is expanding its business to become transporter with the aim of becoming a profit-oriented company in the field of cement transportation. PT Sarana Inti Transindo Perkasa has more than 200 fleets in 2020 and can transport more than 1,000,000 (one million) tons of cement per year. PT Inti Transindo Perkasa also manage its own warehouses in Surabaya, Probolinggo, Malang, Tuban, Kediri, and Madiun.
To increase the customer trust, PT Sarana Inti Transindo Perkasa recruits dedicated employees whom have expertise in their fields. Every employee employed has been selected with strict criteria and given training with Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) guidance in accordance with government standards. In addition, each employee is also equipped with adequate work tools and personal protective equipment so as to guarantee maximum work results.